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Luxuryskinbox.com attenzione alla truffa degli IPhone

Notizie Sportive

Cronaca di una truffa annunciata. Arrivato un sms con cui sembra che ho vinto un IPhone. Mi lascio guidare dalla curiosità. Segui il racconto.

Ho detto: "Va bene, vediamo che succede. Tutti questi commenti positivi" - assolutamente falsi. Inizialmente viene dichiarato che ci sono 2 Euro da pagare e chiedono la carta. Ma in realtà qualche giorno dopo hanno accreditato 55E. Che hanno trasformato in buoni acquisto su due portali Luxuryskinbox.com e Smartkichen.com.

Nel secondo caso, seppur non in modo facile, alla fine ho ricevuto qualcosa: una bistecchiera elettrica. Infatti inzialmente avevo fatto un ordine, poi è stato cancellato. E ho chiesto loro di mandarmi qualcosa a loro scelta. Mi hanno inviato lo stesso prodotto che avevano detto essere esaurito. Motivo che avevano avanzato per la cancellazione dell'ordine.

Per quanto invece riguarda Luxuryskinbox.com è stato annullato l'ordine nello stesso modo e con motivazioni simili. Ma in questo caso per rifare l'ordine mi chiedono di diventare VIP. Operazione che richiede il pagamento di almeno 17E. Ecco lo scambio di mail con il fantomatico servizio clienti.

Igor I'm not free because I've to pay again Can you Place the same order for me or I have to go to the Police? -- Inviato da myMail per Android
mercoledì, 31 marzo 2021, 09:11PM +02:00 da Christina (Support) support@luxuryskinbox.com: ##- Please type your reply above this line -## Your request (99979) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email. Christina (Subbrands) Mar 31, 2021, 21:11 GMT+2 Hello, Igor☺ Thank you for contacting us! There was an issue with shiipping so we have refunded you back in credits. You are free to place a new order. Please let us know if you have any further questions and I'll be happy to assist.♥
Igor Mar 31, 2021, 18:30 GMT+2 So please let me know what I have to do to save my money. I paid 55E after having paid 2 euro to satisfy my curiosity because I received an SMS that said I had won an Iphone. After that you (or someone) took money from my card with a transation that I’ve never authorised. (If you want I can look for the sms and all the chain with my bank) And I receveid some bonus to spend In your site. And I simply placed some order witout saying nothing. So, after that, can you explain why you have cancelled the order I have placed without doing anything else? Thank you
Da: Christina (Support) Inviato: mercoledì 31 marzo 2021 14:51 A: Igor Oggetto: [Support] Re: order Attachment(s) 5D7168C2FDD04D1F85987F4AD99B3ABC[31049083].png Igor Mar 31, 2021, 18:14 GMT+2 I will be very happy if you send my money back (50E, but ok for 42) to my PayPal account xxxx@yahoo.it or to my IBAN xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Da: Christina (Support) Inviato: mercoledì 31 marzo 2021 14:03 A: Igor Oggetto: [Support] Re: order Igor Mar 31, 2021, 18:12 GMT+2 …Or send me this order you have cancelled
Igor Mar 31, 2021, 15:28 GMT+2 Send the same order you have cancelled. Or tell me what I have to do in order not to loss this money. You see, this credit come from 55E that I don't know how was Taken from my card I used to pay 2euro to satisfay my curiosity cause I received a msg that Said I won an iPhone. (I can Aldo search It in my mobile) So can you explain me why do the order has bene cancelled? Thanks -- Inviato da myMail per Android
mercoledì, 31 marzo 2021, 02:51PM +02:00 da Christina (Support) support@luxuryskinbox.com: Christina (Subbrands) Mar 31, 2021, 14:51 GMT+2 Hello, Igor☺ Thank you for contacting us! You did not pay any 42 EUR to us, you only have 42 credits in exchange to .29 EUR but not refundable and convertible. Please let us know if you have any further questions and I'll be happy to assist.♥ Kind Regards, MJ
Igor Mar 31, 2021, 14:18 GMT+2 Give me back that 42E
Da: Christina (Support) Inviato: mercoledì 31 marzo 2021 14:03 A: Igor Oggetto: [Support] Re: order Christina (Subbrands) Mar 31, 2021, 14:03 GMT+2 Hello, Igor☺ Thank you for contacting us! Apologies but you cannot proceed with the order without being a VIP member. Please let us know if you have any further questions and I'll be happy to assist.♥ Kind Regards, MJ
Igor Mar 31, 2021, 8:47 GMT+2 Place an order for me no matter what I can’t do it without becaming a VIP
Da: Christina (Support) Inviato: martedì 30 marzo 2021 22:32 A: Igor Oggetto: [Support] Re: order Christina (Subbrands) Mar 30, 2021, 22:32 GMT+2 Hello Igor, Thank you for contacting us! All you need to do is login to [support@luxuryskinbox.com] – If you do not know your password, click on “Forgot your password?” when logging in. Your username is your email which is [izerbesi@gmail.com You will then receive a password reset email and proceed; then place a order (it is up to you if you choose VIP again or Regular prices), and then go to checkout. The balance will be deducted automatically. If you choose VIP again, you may let us know to cancel it if you do not wish it. Please email us back if you have any problems placing the order. We can login and help place the order for you if needed. Just make sure to have a list of the products you would like to purchase. Thank you Leah
Igor Mar 30, 2021, 21:26 GMT+2 Hello, I’m waiting for an order to be placed. Can you do it for me? Something like this. A skin creme, an after shave and a shampoo thanks

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